
高等研カンファレンス2011「Frontiers in Neuroscience: From Brain to Mind」


  • It was very surprising and admiring that you invited so many distinguished neuroscientists especially from abroad. In the conference hall, I sometimes felt as if I were in Janelia, Gordon, or CSH. I hope that this IIAS research conference will continue in future.
  • The scientific presentations were excellent and your hospitality was wonderful. I am sure all the participants will remember the conference as a highlight of 2011.
  • It was indeed a very successful meeting that provided a platform for intimate interactions among a group of top leading scientists in neuroscience and budding young scientists on their way to eminence. This meeting serves an unusual opportunity for scientific interactions not available in larger meeting, and represents an excellent example for future IIAS conferences.
  • The talks and discussions during the breaks were very stimulating, including a very nice discussion I had with some of the participants.
  • The conferences were diverse and multidisciplinary -from molecular biology to cognition- on a given topic and this should be continued. Perhaps they might be a little shorter for some of the speakers who had to talk about several subjects to fill the time. Also some of the speakers might be more explicit about the theoretical foundations of their work and the consequences of its outcome for society.
  • I enjoyed very much the exciting lectures and especially the wonderful and stimulating scientific discussions with young participants in the lecture hall as well as at the lobby. This conference covered the central issue of neuroscience, “From Brain to Mind”, and I do hope that IIAS continues to challenge solving the most important and difficult question of human mind and consciousness using the bottom- up approach based on the knowledge at the cellular and molecular levels.
  • I think the program was excellent and also that many younger students were present. Perhaps if possible, one could increase the chance even more for informal interactions if it would be possible to have a hotel closer to the IIAS where both the invited speakers and the other participants lived. I think that for the invited speakers to accommodation does not need to be so luxurious and it would be good to meet the younger scientists also during transfers to the hotel, at breakfast and so on. This is just a small suggestion. Over all the meeting was, as I said, very excellent.
  • 海外のゴードン(Gordon Research Conferences)、キーストーン(Keystone Symposia)、ジェネリア(Janelia Farm)などでしか得られないものを、日本でできたというのは画期的なことだと思います。
  • シンポジウムは構成、人選、内容ともに素晴らしかったです。参加者は極めて多様であったにもかかわらず、シンポジウム全体に一貫性がありました。講演者各々が、微妙に分野の異なる相手にも理解させようという熱気にあふれていたのも、そういった意味での相乗効果があったのだろうと思います。
  • とてもエキサイティングなシンポジウムで、いろいろ勉強させていただき有意義な時間をすごすことができました。また、若手の方々と交流できたことも大変よかったと思っています。ホテルが少し離れたところにある点ですが、多少不便なところもあるかもしれませんが、バスの中で他の演者と交流することもでき、違った形で役に立っていたのではないかと思いました。ホテルが近くにあれば、夜に plenary lectureをしたり、交流の時間をさらに長めに取ったりといったメリットが考えられると思います。サイエンスの質の高さでは本当に群を抜いていたと思います。