
開催概要 Overview

開催期間 : 2014年5月12日(月)~15日(木)
Date           : May 12, 2014 - May 15, 2014
開催場所 : 公益財団法人国際高等研究所
Venue        : International Institute for Advanced Studies
主        催 : 公益財団法人国際高等研究所
後        援 : 文部科学省、日本学術振興会、
協        力 : 文部科学省科学研究費補助金新学術領域研究

Supported by : Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & technology (for financial aids)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (for financial aids)
Kyoto Prefecture / Kansai Economic Federation / Public Foundation of Kansai Research Institute

Japan Society for Cell Biology / The Japanese Biochemical Society / The Molecular Biology Society ofJapan / The RNA Society of Japan
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas
Chromatin Structure, Dynamics, and Function / Coupling of replication, repair and transcription, andtheir common mechanism of chromatin remodeling
Transcription Cycle / Functions of Non-coding DNA Region for Genome Integrity

趣  旨 Purpose:


     4)non-coding RNA、核内クロマチン配置

The IIAS Research conference in 2014 involves lectures and discussions about various problems related to chromatin decoding, including telomeres, RNA transcription and processing, epigenetics, development, aging and cancer. This conference will provide important insights into the question how these seemingly diverse functions are cooperatively controlled by chromatin, thereby giving rise to an autonomous system.

開催概要 Overview:

(1)研究発表 Presentation

プレナリートーク Plenary Talk  3 (Invited Speakers 3)
セッション Session  7 (Invited Speakers 25)
ショートトーク Short Talk  2
ポスター発表 Poster Presentation  31

(2)参加者 Participants

招待講演者 Invited Speakers  27 (Overseas 12 Domestic 15)
討論参加者 Discussants  11
ポスター発表者 Poster Presenters  31

(3)参加国・地域 Participating nations

   Canada, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, UK, USA

(4)使用言語 : 英語(同時通訳なし)
                          English (no simultaneous interpretation)

(5)オーガナイザー Organizer

  • 石川 冬木(京都大学大学院生命科学研究科教授) Fuyuki Ishikawa (Kyoto University)
  • 森川 耿右(国際高等研究所チーフリサーチフェロー) Kosuke Morikawa (International Institute for Advance Studies)